Ben Hicks is a Southern Florida based photographer who specializes in water based commercial work capturing sports, wildlife and natural beauty for his clients and fans worldwide. Ben has been using AquaTech equipment for sometime and recently shared 5 images and short stories behind them. Ben uses the Delphin 1D Sport Housing as his main water housing and a varied range of lens ports to suit his Canon lenses.
You can see more of Ben’s work via his website and check out his social media links at the bottom of this article.
Chasing a swell in Dec 2014 with Matt Oberman, Pete Mendia and Evan Geiselman. The last morning it turned on and Matt and I weren’t flying out until the afternoon. I swam out past the super shark infested channel with my 1dx and canon 24mm f1.4 lens in the P-100 lens port. We linked up on a ton of waves all by ourselves. Probably one of the best sessions I have ever had shooting waves in the Bahamas. This photo ran this month in Eastern Surfing Magazine.
Every year I try to explore new areas of Florida, my home state with my cameras alongside. Late December 2014 I took my father up to the springs of Northern Florida to some secret spots without all the tourists to swim with the Manatees. I was shooting a fish at the time and this guy (or girl!) came right up to my 8 inch dome port and just checked me out for at least 5 mins. Unreal experience every time! I was shooting with a Delphin 1D for the 1DX, Canon 24mm f1.4 II lens inside the PD-85 dome with a lens port extension ring.
Our first evening in Nicaragua after traveling all night the morning before, surfing and also shooting about 5 hours earlier in the water, I was on no sleep. Conditions were perfect with the sun going down parallel to the beach and little barrels were coming in before the swell hit in a few days. I always love shooting into the dark, its such and epic way of ending the day! Shot with Canon 1dx, Canon 8-15mm inside Aquatech Delphin housing and PD-75 dome port.
Almost every morning I am in town I swim out to shoot and this is what I see plus a lot more in South Florida. Lately the Tarpon (pictured) have been in schools of 25-35. Just massive minnows! 5ft long at times also. Shot at sunrise Shot with Canon 1dx, Canon 8-15mm inside Aquatech Delphin housing and PD-75 dome I am able to capture the large schools and obtain fast actuate focus.
Connect with Ben via Instagram, Facebook and his website.