With the new exciting new release of the Canon 1DxmkII we have been busy testing and working on solutions to accommodate new customers and ensure those former customers are aware of their options with the new camera. We have broken this down into two sections, Water Housings and Sound Blimps for those who use out All Weather shields and Eyepieces nothing has changed and you can continue to use the current products on the 1DxMKII.
Water Housings:
All new orders placed (Shipping from March 7th, 2016) for the Delphin 1Dx placed through our website or dealers will receive a new back plate control layout and customized cable release to accommodate the changes with the 1DxmkII and using pistol grips trigger and switches. This new model will accommodate both the 1Dx and 1DxMKII cameras and offer the same full control over the camera.
Purchase the Delphin 1Dx Water Housing
Any customers who already own the Delphin 1D water housing can send their water housing backplate into our offices to have a new backplate control installed and customized cable release supplied for $200 plus return shipping.
The new backplate control allows for users to switch between video / stills and engage live view in both photo and video mode.
*Please note first generation Delphin 1D housings will not allow the new cable release to be used, however backplate control modifications are possible. Please see images of first generation and second generation Delphin 1D if unsure of model.
Sound Blimps:
All new orders placed (Shipping from March 7th, 2016) for the Shadow 1Dx sound blimp placed through our website or dealers will receive a new internal foam layout to accommodate the new camera. This new model of Shadow 1Dx will accommodate both the 1Dx and 1DxMKII cameras.
Purchase the Shadow 1Dx Sound Blimp
Any customers who already own the Shadow 1D sound Blimp can send their blimps into our offices and have new foam installed at no cost other than return shipping.
For any questions relating to the new Canon 1Dx mkII please email staff on contact@aquatech.net