AquaTech ambassador Eugene Tan has been using our equipment for over ten years, and his latest book, "The Beach Blog," is filled with his amazing images. A lot of this work was made possible by the high quality, reliable and durable equipment used by Eugene.
"After spending the past 15 years taking photographs and stalking good waves and beautiful beaches I’ve arrived here…the launch of my latest book “The Beach Blog”. To me it’s the mother load…the big kahuna…the flagship…the Rolls Royce…the holey moley this took a hell of a lot of time (and money) to produce but I am sure my mother is proud. It’s the shiz – this is my best work.
"A thousand images shed over 280 glorious uncoated pages, this book sums up a large chunk of my lucky life and what I’ve seen. I love the ocean and live for the beach. It’s ingrained in my life and I hope this comes through when flicking the pages. I genuinely love taking photographs and would continue to do so even if I won the lotto or lived on a desert island surrounded by pumping waves.
"The book is huge (A3 when closed but nearly a metre wide when open). It weighs nearly 5 kilograms or the same as a small child. My vision was to create a book with impact. A book that has all the fruit…with no expense spared. The cover features a trippy 3d 4 phase lenticular (fancy words to say pictures change when you rotate the book in your hands). The page edges are gilded black to make it bad ass like a stealth bomber." Says Tan
Eugene currently uses the Delphin 1D and Elite 5D3 Sport Housings. His daily routine of shooting the mornings at Bondi is a challenge at times to keep the images fresh and exciting to his readers. With a head full of creativity and lens ports and accessory options at his disposal though you can be fooled to think Eugene is shooting a different location each morning. Grab a copy from here and check out Eugene's profile on our ambassador page here.