Asher King is an Australian based wedding and portrait photographer. Asher has a strong background as a filmmaker, starting in action sports documentary and then moving to live broadcast. This time saw Asher use his varied skill set in film making, photography, timelapse, audio, and editing of all crafts in what was a tight-knit group of creatives traveling the world providing content for many of the worlds leading action sports brands. Around 4 years ago Asher decided to focus on weddings and portraiture in his home town of Byron Bay. Over the last 3 years, he has won multiple awards for his wedding imagery. He was an early tester for AqauTech’s move into the mirrorless market with the Fujifilm system and has been busy this last year producing content for AquaTechs youtube channel. "I've been using AquaTech products on a daily basis for over a decade, from the housings to the rain covers and eyepieces they are an integral part of my kit to make the images I want for my clients" When Asher isn't working for his clients you can generally find him in the ocean, usually with a camera in his hands.