The AquaTech Soft Goods range has been a stable of many photographers out there, but it can sometimes be forgotten with so much focus on the Sports Housing and Sound Blimp range. The unique product range is made up of equipment which is designed to offer better comfort, weather protection, equipment protection or just what we feel is a better option to what is possibly being offered by manufactures when some items are purchased. In this post we hope to explain briefly what each item does and how it could fit into your camera bag or daily shooting routine. Some of these products have been perfected over many years of testing and prototyping and we stand behind all of the current range of Soft Goods equipment and truly believe it will make photographers lives a little bit easier and in some cases a little more safer for their expensive equipment.
All Weather Shields
The All Weather Shields or AWS as they are sometimes called are the updated and redesigned big brother of the original and very popular Sports Shields. This modular design allows for the AWS Primary to be adapted to suit any lenses options. With 3 different AWS Extensions in small, medium and large the AWS range can cover anything from 8mm – 800mm lenses. Offering protection from rain, snow, dust, dirt, sand, sun and just about anything Mother Nature can throw at you in the field. The AWS is the camera weather protection you need with control, ease of use and versatile options to suit any camera and lens setup. Check out the full AWS range here.
The AquaTech Eyepiece range is primary used to secure the AWS Primary to the camera to help locate the rear of the shield and complete the weather proofing at the rear of the camera. These durable and comfortable eyepieces though make awesome replacements for any lost or damaged manufactures supplied eyepieces. With padded comfortable neoprene also the AquaTech Eyepieces have also been very popular with those photographers who wear glasses when shooting also. Need an eyepiece? Click right here.
Sensory Gloves
Not only are these brilliant gloves for anyone looking for all the standard features you would expect in a traditional glove (warmth & comfort), but also these gloves have been designed for the photographer in mind. With great external weatherproofing, warm lining and some very good grip via a subtle silicone nub pattern over the palm of the glove we have ticked most of the boxes right there. But, were these gloves truly shine is in the thumb and index finger reveals. These two openings can be quickly utilized to allow the fingertips exposure to offer control over your camera and lens but just as quickly hide them from the elements and keep your digits warm. The Sensory Gloves have also been a huge success with anything touch screen related like your smartphone or tablets and with some other sports like fly fishing and horse riding where finger tip control and sensitivity is key. Sound like something you want to explore a little further?
Soft Caps
Do you own an expensive telephoto lens? Chances are if you do you treat that thing like a newborn baby. Telephoto lenses awesome pieces of kit but the supplied lens hoods do not really cover the lens element like more traditional lens caps. The AquaTech Soft Cap range is offered for Nikon and Canon’s 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 and 800mm lenses and both companies 200-400mm super telephoto zoom options. This simple and effective product offers great protection and peace of mind for your expensive equipment. Time to grab a new Soft Cap?
Soft Hoods
Built from a need to reduce the size of the equipment for transportation the Soft Hood offers a great replacement for the supplied manufactures lens hoods for many of Canon and Nikon’s telephoto lenses. The Soft Hood can pack down almost flat, is strong enough to take the weight of lens and camera and is collapsible when forced for safety reasons if you are shooting near any impact sports. The prices of these soft hoods are a fraction of a replacement manufactures hoods if you ever loose are break them also. Do you want to check out the range of Soft Hoods?
MonoPod & Tripod Wraps
The main goal of these products is to provide comfort for the users when carrying either the Monopod or Tripod over their shoulder. The padded design is soft enough to relieve the pressure but firm enough to hold it’s memory and last a lifetime. Wether you are running the sideline at the sporting field or hiking to capture the sunset across the valley these soft wraps will serve you well. Got sore shoulders just reading this post? Treat yourself to some Soft Wraps.