Sport Housings — Water Housing

Lloyd Meudell on location with his AquaTech water housing

Early starts with Lloyd Meudell

Join AquaTech user Lloyd Meudell on his daily routine of chasing the curve of the ocean in the early hours of the morning. Based in the small coastal town of Kiama, Australia, Lloyd stares into the rising sun as it pops over the horizon each morning making it’s daily rounds. When the light and swell combine you can be sure to find Lloyd capturing the many moods on offer. After realizing he had an eye for photography it was quick progression from riding waves to shooting them. When we asked Lloyd who influences him the answer might surprise you, “To be...

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Collage of SEALEVEL images by Ted Grambeau

SEALEVEL - Silence of Change by Ted Grambeau

AquaTech ambassador Ted Grambeau has just release a new body of work called SeaLevel. Shot entirely from the water using the Nikon D810 water housing Ted was able to create the images he had swirling around in his mind. “The work is a series of of abstract fine art images shot at absolute Sealevel over the course of the last two years. Invisible to the naked eye as they are such fleeting moments the they are none the less real as they are as they are shot in camera. The invisible nature of this  occurrence in some way explains why it is difficult...

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AquaTech August Accessories Giveaway

August Accessories Giveaway

Purchase any Sound Blimp or Sport Housing this month and receive a free accessories pack from us. The pack includes our brand new AquaTech Hat, Sport Housing / Sound Blimp Cover and AquaTech Sport Housing Leash for Sport Housing orders or the Lens Tube Shade Hood for Sound Blimp orders. This offer is available only through our online store right here at and for the month of August. Simply use the coupon code of either freegiftwater  for Sport Housings or freegiftsound for Sound Blimps at the checkout to redeem. Start shopping now by clicking here.

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